I like today's word of the day:
zeugma \ZOOG-muh\, noun:
The use of a word to modify or govern two or more words when it is appropriate to only one of them or is appropriate to each but in a different way, as in to wage war and peace or On his fishing trip, he caught three trout and a cold.
Security Removes Biden's Rowdy Buddies From Auditorium
Pittsburgh Teacher gets Knocked Out by student
Aj and Mj 22 month old twins falling asleep while eating
Doing One-Armed Push-Ups While Speed-Solving a Rubik's Cube is the Pinnacle of Human Achievement http://gawker.com/5950935/doing-one+armed-push+ups-while-speed+solving-a-rubiks-cube-is-the-pinnacle-of-human-achievement
Fla. man accused of returning used enemas
Woman at VP debate calls Obama a communist, gets confronted by Chris Matthews and can't explain what a communist is http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2E87gciwebw
A NFL player took a shit while on the sideline, and got the gameball because nobody noticed.
Oh sick, another fucked up Rob Zombie movie...
If There's One Thing to Remember About the VP Debate, It's That Joe Biden Laughed His Way Through It http://gawker.com/5951162/if-theres-one-thing-to-remember-about-the-vp-debate-its-that-joe-biden-laughed-his-way-through-it
The worst acting i've ever seen in my life
The Many Gesticulations Of Joe Biden
Woman arrested for hand sanitizer DUI
Omar S - Set it out (chill song) (chill DJ set) dude's from Detroit
SF Giants' Lincecum gets a Facial "Now i know what chicks feel like"
beano cook with a great bro move. atta guy.
'Friday Night Lights' Creator Accuses Mitt Romney of Plagiarism in Threatening Letter
Werth Riding Things
Sick Prank Idea:
Crack a small hole, about 1 cm x 1 cm in a raw egg, ejaculate into it. then super glue
the shell back onto your little hole. once the glue dries, put it hole-side down in the egg carton
and wait till your family/makes a jizz omelet while you die from laughter.
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