I like today's word of the day:
whangdoodle \HWANG-dood-l, WANG-\, noun:
a fanciful creature of undefined nature.
A whangdoodle would eat ten Oompa-Loompas for breakfast and come galloping back for a second helping.
-- Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 1964
The Holy Grail of Battle Re-enactments
No more talking shit on DC and electing/re-electing Marion Barry- http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/08/us/south-carolina-election-a-referendum-on-sanford.html
Send this GIF to your sig. other ASAP
This makes me feel old:
@vulture: ICYMI: The classic SNL sketch about living in a van down by the river aired 20 years ago yesterday. http://t.co/N0ZIkMg4PX
This isnt how skydiving is supposed to work - http://videos.digg.com/post/49948942943/this-isnt-how-skydiving-is-supposed-to-work
$40,000 a night - Hookers at Cannes - http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/hookers-at-cannes-40000-a-497667
Violence in Disney animated films - http://laughingsquid.com/supercut-of-violence-in-disney-animated-films/
America's worst housing project, in LA, is being gentrified - http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/watts-is-being-gentrified
Crazy story about a rich guy who builds a house in the jungles of Costa Rica, goes crazy, and ends up dead - http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/Love-and-Madness-in-the-Jungle.html
How the human brain sees a 100 mph fastball - http://io9.com/how-the-human-brain-sees-a-100-mph-fastball-496401422
For all the bros scorned by a woman's calloused, cold heart
10 gifs that show how a car works - http://jalopnik.com/ten-gifs-that-explain-how-a-car-works-495996770
US Navy spent $37B on a ship that doesnt work... USA! USA! USA! - http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-05/us-navy-spends-37-billion-ship-that-barely-works
SPOILER ALERT! Craziest twist endings to movies ever - http://flavorwire.com/390248/the-most-batshit-insane-twist-endings-in-movie-history
hm, interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Principle
Toronto Maple Leafs Lose, WAGs Exchange Death Eyes
15 Photos Of A Week Of Groceries From Different Countries Around The World
Scumbag Fox News. http://i.imgur.com/OQ7Jezk.jpg
Silly GoT Comic. Don't click if you're behind, as it may be a spoiler. http://i.imgur.com/AKSnHZ0.jpg
Kids trying foods for the first time http://media.goodfood.com.au/selections/children-react-to-foods-first-taste-4252613.html
High school kid's rant to his teacher's face - http://hypervocal.com/news/2013/teacher-rant-spicoli/
31 arrested in complex diamond heist
Much better auto-tune of Charles Ramsey
Airel Castro is one F'ed up dude...
Crazy and sad story:
Sounds like we got ourselves a C-Word --> http://www.barstoolsports.com/chicago/super-page/is-this-the-chick-that-gave-joakim-noah-the-finger-last-night-when-he-was-ejected/
more on that psycho: http://deadspin.com/the-bird-flipping-miami-fan-was-once-accused-of-murderi-498713885
Dominated! http://www.lememe.com/archives/31582
Puss is moist on cap hill right now:
Kiss Cam Break-up, probably fake --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE88upiaSyg
Old Spock Vs New Spock - Hilarious Audi Ad
new FOX logo: http://gawker.com/here-is-twentieth-century-foxs-new-logo-498873350
Krasinski vs. Fallon: Epic Lipsynch Battle
May you all find a lady that makes you sing this song in your heart, or whatever is left of your heart... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUJpRSLQ2kg
Missing White Woman Syndrom a la BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22441124
a fanciful creature of undefined nature.
A whangdoodle would eat ten Oompa-Loompas for breakfast and come galloping back for a second helping.
-- Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 1964
The Holy Grail of Battle Re-enactments
No more talking shit on DC and electing/re-electing Marion Barry- http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/08/us/south-carolina-election-a-referendum-on-sanford.html
Send this GIF to your sig. other ASAP
This makes me feel old:
@vulture: ICYMI: The classic SNL sketch about living in a van down by the river aired 20 years ago yesterday. http://t.co/N0ZIkMg4PX
This isnt how skydiving is supposed to work - http://videos.digg.com/post/49948942943/this-isnt-how-skydiving-is-supposed-to-work
$40,000 a night - Hookers at Cannes - http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/hookers-at-cannes-40000-a-497667
Violence in Disney animated films - http://laughingsquid.com/supercut-of-violence-in-disney-animated-films/
America's worst housing project, in LA, is being gentrified - http://www.vice.com/en_au/read/watts-is-being-gentrified
Crazy story about a rich guy who builds a house in the jungles of Costa Rica, goes crazy, and ends up dead - http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/Love-and-Madness-in-the-Jungle.html
How the human brain sees a 100 mph fastball - http://io9.com/how-the-human-brain-sees-a-100-mph-fastball-496401422
For all the bros scorned by a woman's calloused, cold heart
10 gifs that show how a car works - http://jalopnik.com/ten-gifs-that-explain-how-a-car-works-495996770
US Navy spent $37B on a ship that doesnt work... USA! USA! USA! - http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-05/us-navy-spends-37-billion-ship-that-barely-works
SPOILER ALERT! Craziest twist endings to movies ever - http://flavorwire.com/390248/the-most-batshit-insane-twist-endings-in-movie-history
hm, interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Principle
Toronto Maple Leafs Lose, WAGs Exchange Death Eyes
15 Photos Of A Week Of Groceries From Different Countries Around The World
Scumbag Fox News. http://i.imgur.com/OQ7Jezk.jpg
Silly GoT Comic. Don't click if you're behind, as it may be a spoiler. http://i.imgur.com/AKSnHZ0.jpg
Kids trying foods for the first time http://media.goodfood.com.au/selections/children-react-to-foods-first-taste-4252613.html
High school kid's rant to his teacher's face - http://hypervocal.com/news/2013/teacher-rant-spicoli/
31 arrested in complex diamond heist
Much better auto-tune of Charles Ramsey
Airel Castro is one F'ed up dude...
Crazy and sad story:
Sounds like we got ourselves a C-Word --> http://www.barstoolsports.com/chicago/super-page/is-this-the-chick-that-gave-joakim-noah-the-finger-last-night-when-he-was-ejected/
more on that psycho: http://deadspin.com/the-bird-flipping-miami-fan-was-once-accused-of-murderi-498713885
Dominated! http://www.lememe.com/archives/31582
Puss is moist on cap hill right now:
Kiss Cam Break-up, probably fake --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE88upiaSyg
Old Spock Vs New Spock - Hilarious Audi Ad
new FOX logo: http://gawker.com/here-is-twentieth-century-foxs-new-logo-498873350
Krasinski vs. Fallon: Epic Lipsynch Battle
May you all find a lady that makes you sing this song in your heart, or whatever is left of your heart... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUJpRSLQ2kg
Missing White Woman Syndrom a la BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22441124
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