"Industrial egg separator"
NSFW - Batgirl Selfie
11 free things to do this November in the D.C. area
Clumsy Pup steals the show - https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153778049176661
How Capicola became Gabagool
Crazy Buzzer Beater in Chinese Kids Bball game - http://i.imgur.com/RMC1T5A.gifv
Have you guys seen the comments that "Ken M" trolls people with? Some of them are gold. https://www.reddit.com/r/KenM/ and I just read this thing about Ken M the other day. http://gizmodo.com/ken-m-is-the-most-epic-troll-on-the-internet-1739028329
LOLZ - The moment Bernie Sanders wins your vote.
See Iran Coming Out of the Shadows
LOLZ - Like 2 drunk girls
Top Comment from this post:
Babies are born blackout drunk and slowly sober as they age.
They form no permanent memories for several years, have no hand-eye coordination, and are either crying or sleeping. Slowly they regain the ability to crawl around on all fours, then to stumble drunkenly across the room before falling on their faces.
Eventually they become sober enough to start speaking slurred, broken sentences. But their emotions are still totally out of control, and they'll fly into a rage, a sobbing fit, or uncontrollable giggles at the slightest provocation.
Puberty is the hangover.
One cup of water being poured on a (pretty small) grease fire.
This isn't written well, but the story of the Lucky Luciano trial is interesting:
I wish Bernie Sanders would embrace this dance and song based on Weekend at Bernies 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRBLmogRL4c
creativity and mental illness http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/07/secrets-of-the-creative-brain/372299/
Two girls fall and land in an awkward position
Piece on Greg Hardy's domestic violence and some photos of the bruises on him and the victim:
Tito's vodka is made by a guy named Bert "Tito" Beveridge
Many of our flavorings comes from Beaver ass- http://www.naturalnews.com/042950_beaver_butt_natural_flavoring_castoreum.html
Follow us on Twitter: @Brogania
Visit our Blog: http://broblast.blogspot.com/
NSFW - Batgirl Selfie
11 free things to do this November in the D.C. area
Clumsy Pup steals the show - https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153778049176661
How Capicola became Gabagool
Crazy Buzzer Beater in Chinese Kids Bball game - http://i.imgur.com/RMC1T5A.gifv
Have you guys seen the comments that "Ken M" trolls people with? Some of them are gold. https://www.reddit.com/r/KenM/ and I just read this thing about Ken M the other day. http://gizmodo.com/ken-m-is-the-most-epic-troll-on-the-internet-1739028329
LOLZ - The moment Bernie Sanders wins your vote.
See Iran Coming Out of the Shadows
LOLZ - Like 2 drunk girls
Top Comment from this post:
Babies are born blackout drunk and slowly sober as they age.
They form no permanent memories for several years, have no hand-eye coordination, and are either crying or sleeping. Slowly they regain the ability to crawl around on all fours, then to stumble drunkenly across the room before falling on their faces.
Eventually they become sober enough to start speaking slurred, broken sentences. But their emotions are still totally out of control, and they'll fly into a rage, a sobbing fit, or uncontrollable giggles at the slightest provocation.
Puberty is the hangover.
One cup of water being poured on a (pretty small) grease fire.
This isn't written well, but the story of the Lucky Luciano trial is interesting:
I wish Bernie Sanders would embrace this dance and song based on Weekend at Bernies 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRBLmogRL4c
creativity and mental illness http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/07/secrets-of-the-creative-brain/372299/
Two girls fall and land in an awkward position
Piece on Greg Hardy's domestic violence and some photos of the bruises on him and the victim:
Tito's vodka is made by a guy named Bert "Tito" Beveridge
Many of our flavorings comes from Beaver ass- http://www.naturalnews.com/042950_beaver_butt_natural_flavoring_castoreum.html
Follow us on Twitter: @Brogania
Visit our Blog: http://broblast.blogspot.com/
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