What is this? New drugs... https://www.facebook.com/CourtlandKUSHGarner/posts/10153813603085404?pnref=story
Holy shit, did she get ass implants like big sis?
This is from a Phish bro (i personally don't care for phish) --
A lot of reviews and people I've talked to about Phish's new album are trying to sell it as good. WaPo got it right imo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/music/music-review-phish-delivers-uneven-effort-on-big-boat/2016/10/05/cf65d36a-8b1e-11e6-8cdc-4fbb1973b506_story.html
Racist Fox News Segment gets more press
Very insightful article on how the "Lost Cause" myth of confederates and racists is fundamentally some clown ass shit: http://www.vox.com/first-person/2016/9/30/13090100/confederacy-myths-lost-cause
Line art tattoo designer: https://www.instagram.com/moganji/
Surreal artwork: http://www.erikjohanssonphoto.com/
Batman going crazy! - http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/275355-2/Batman-fire-face.gif
Should have shorted these stocks, dawg - http://gizmodo.com/someone-please-buy-twitter-please-please-please-ple-1787482507
Report: Top Defense Secretary aide used gov't credit card at strip clubs
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