We're all getting to be codgers... today's word of the day...
codger \KOJ-er\, noun:
an eccentric man, especially one who is old.
NSFW NSFW NSFW! Singing Vaginas: http://vimeo.com/59658050
A Literary Insult For Every Occasion
One of my favorite Simpsons Scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r0trTM9qWI
Penguins Getting Swept: http://wac.9ebf.edgecastcdn.net/809EBF/ec-origin.boston.barstoolsports.com/files/2013/06/sweep22.gif
Manu Ginobli's amazing pass that was totally unnoticed by everyone http://m.wimp.com/amazingpass/
Wyoming race seeks athlete-tourists to endure 485-mile run around the state
whale bone through the urinary tract
List of Unusual Deaths: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_deaths
1816: Gouverneur Morris, an American statesman, died after sticking a piece of whale bone through his urinary tract to relieve a blockage.
Semi-NSFW --> http://images.4chan.org/gif/src/1370789036146.gif
List of Gestures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gestures
Splendid Landscapes Photography
Ha. Look at this noseless dog. Gross - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22831605
Photos from iconic movie sets are kind of neat - http://io9.com/stunning-behind-the-scenes-photos-show-iconic-movies-in-512190237
Hong Kong baffled by NSA leaker - http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/06/10/hong-kong-baffled-by-snowdens-hideout/
"We work very closely with U.S. authorities," said Regina Ip, current legislator and former security secretary, who described Mr. Snowden's choice of location as "really being based on unfortunate ignorance.
"Hong Kong is the worst place in the world for any person to avoid extradition, with the possible exception of the United Kingdom,"
Idiot Puts Knife In Toaster http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1Pt95JqXmxY (skip to 1:00 mark for action)
Brant is Sexy and He Knows It! (Dancing Chubby kid)
Putin's slam piece apparently:
Breaking news Vine: College Shooting in Santa Monica, CA.
Google Street View Hyperlapse: http://hyperlapse.tllabs.io/
GoT Joke: http://imgur.com/gallery/lBHhLsZ/new
Good tune by the lead singer of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (Alexander - Truth) (chill song) http://vimeo.com/26454103
Citizen Koch, a film about Money, Power, and Democracy: http://www.citizenkoch.com/page/content/trailer
Chill Song (if you want to cry a lot in your bed) Passenger - Let Her Go
"A plea deal that called for no jail time fell apart Monday. Broward Judge Kathleen McHugh rejected it after Johnson playfully slapped his attorney on the behind in court. McHugh says Johnson wasn't taking things seriously enough, even after he apologized. McHugh also extended Johnson's probation for three months."
Shakey Graves - Late July - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUkSTnUK_T0&feature=player_detailpage#t=98s (chill song)
Snowden Interview --> http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/2013/06/10/dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-2/
Saudi Silence on Deadly MERS Virus Outbreak Frustrates World Health Experts
Real Estate - All The Same - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N6Ni3H6vfQM (chill song)
The yogurt company growing as fast as Google and Facebook
Different Strokes: Man Caught Masturbating During Megabus Trip from D.C. to New York City
Game of Thrones' Hectic, Morally Complex, Crowdsurfing Season Finale
Huge Stadium Crowd Starts Impromptu Sing-Along of 'Bohemian Rhapsody'
Some of the new iOS screenshots from the WWDC scare me - http://live.theverge.com/apple-wwdc-2013-live-blog/
Atlantic City - The Band - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0eZwpHtcK4 (chill song)
Boss Cover.
Sober Man's DUI Arrest Leads to $500K Claim
Xbox One to launch November at $499; new Halo coming next year
Microsoft E3 conference's most awkward moment (XBox One fail) - http://kotaku.com/this-awkward-moment-at-microsofts-e3-conference-is-jus-512323337
The only post you need to read about XBox One - http://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/the-only-post-you-need-to-read-about-the-new-xbox-one-games
Good round up of Apple iOS7 features - http://www.theverge.com/2013/6/10/4407630/apple-announces-ios-7
Apple just fixed the single dumbest thing about OSX - http://gizmodo.com/apple-just-fixed-the-single-dumbest-thing-about-os-x-512317734
Edward Snowden is no hero - http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2013/06/edward-snowden-nsa-leaker-is-no-hero.html
an eccentric man, especially one who is old.
NSFW NSFW NSFW! Singing Vaginas: http://vimeo.com/59658050
A Literary Insult For Every Occasion
One of my favorite Simpsons Scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r0trTM9qWI
Penguins Getting Swept: http://wac.9ebf.edgecastcdn.net/809EBF/ec-origin.boston.barstoolsports.com/files/2013/06/sweep22.gif
Manu Ginobli's amazing pass that was totally unnoticed by everyone http://m.wimp.com/amazingpass/
Wyoming race seeks athlete-tourists to endure 485-mile run around the state
whale bone through the urinary tract
List of Unusual Deaths: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_deaths
1816: Gouverneur Morris, an American statesman, died after sticking a piece of whale bone through his urinary tract to relieve a blockage.
Semi-NSFW --> http://images.4chan.org/gif/src/1370789036146.gif
List of Gestures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gestures
Splendid Landscapes Photography
Ha. Look at this noseless dog. Gross - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22831605
Photos from iconic movie sets are kind of neat - http://io9.com/stunning-behind-the-scenes-photos-show-iconic-movies-in-512190237
Hong Kong baffled by NSA leaker - http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/06/10/hong-kong-baffled-by-snowdens-hideout/
"We work very closely with U.S. authorities," said Regina Ip, current legislator and former security secretary, who described Mr. Snowden's choice of location as "really being based on unfortunate ignorance.
"Hong Kong is the worst place in the world for any person to avoid extradition, with the possible exception of the United Kingdom,"
Idiot Puts Knife In Toaster http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1Pt95JqXmxY (skip to 1:00 mark for action)
Brant is Sexy and He Knows It! (Dancing Chubby kid)
Putin's slam piece apparently:
Breaking news Vine: College Shooting in Santa Monica, CA.
Google Street View Hyperlapse: http://hyperlapse.tllabs.io/
GoT Joke: http://imgur.com/gallery/lBHhLsZ/new
Good tune by the lead singer of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (Alexander - Truth) (chill song) http://vimeo.com/26454103
Citizen Koch, a film about Money, Power, and Democracy: http://www.citizenkoch.com/page/content/trailer
Chill Song (if you want to cry a lot in your bed) Passenger - Let Her Go
"A plea deal that called for no jail time fell apart Monday. Broward Judge Kathleen McHugh rejected it after Johnson playfully slapped his attorney on the behind in court. McHugh says Johnson wasn't taking things seriously enough, even after he apologized. McHugh also extended Johnson's probation for three months."
Shakey Graves - Late July - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUkSTnUK_T0&feature=player_detailpage#t=98s (chill song)
Snowden Interview --> http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/2013/06/10/dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb-2/
Saudi Silence on Deadly MERS Virus Outbreak Frustrates World Health Experts
Real Estate - All The Same - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N6Ni3H6vfQM (chill song)
The yogurt company growing as fast as Google and Facebook
Different Strokes: Man Caught Masturbating During Megabus Trip from D.C. to New York City
Game of Thrones' Hectic, Morally Complex, Crowdsurfing Season Finale
Huge Stadium Crowd Starts Impromptu Sing-Along of 'Bohemian Rhapsody'
Some of the new iOS screenshots from the WWDC scare me - http://live.theverge.com/apple-wwdc-2013-live-blog/
Atlantic City - The Band - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0eZwpHtcK4 (chill song)
Boss Cover.
Sober Man's DUI Arrest Leads to $500K Claim
Xbox One to launch November at $499; new Halo coming next year
Microsoft E3 conference's most awkward moment (XBox One fail) - http://kotaku.com/this-awkward-moment-at-microsofts-e3-conference-is-jus-512323337
The only post you need to read about XBox One - http://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/the-only-post-you-need-to-read-about-the-new-xbox-one-games
Good round up of Apple iOS7 features - http://www.theverge.com/2013/6/10/4407630/apple-announces-ios-7
Apple just fixed the single dumbest thing about OSX - http://gizmodo.com/apple-just-fixed-the-single-dumbest-thing-about-os-x-512317734
Edward Snowden is no hero - http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2013/06/edward-snowden-nsa-leaker-is-no-hero.html
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