Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cornish Game Hens need to be banged, too

BROS - The political shit is driving me crazy, as I'm sure some of you feel the same way. I'm gonna start including only the real heavy-hitters in the BroBlast moving forward. Thanks for bearing with me, but it's been a rough 11 or so days. I tried to add more NSFW's today and hopefully we'll eventually normalize to just thought-provoking, funny, booby links. Love you bros.


Ali G.

BroBlast Commissioner


Amazing. Sally Yates at her confirmation hearing answering her job-ending Q. Look who's asking. https://twitter.com/yottapoint/status/826289013891821568

Holocaust Museum poster on 'warning signs of fascism' goes viral

Trump bringing Jews and Muslims together - https://i.imgur.com/RKojCqe.jpg

Salt Bae coming to NYC: http://gothamist.com/2017/01/30/salt_bae_reportedly_opening_restaur.php

NYC Phish Bros - https://www.jambase.com/article/phish-play-bakers-dozen-madison-square-garden-new-york-city-summer

A real class act, President Donald Trump Accuses Sen. Chuck Schumer Of 'Fake Tears' Over Executive Order - http://www.npr.org/2017/01/30/512467231/trump-accuses-top-democrat-of-fake-tears-over-executive-order

Why Millennials Aren't into Strippers at Their Bachelor Parties - https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/why-millennials-arent-into-strippers-at-their-bachelor-parties

He made them sign non disclosure agreements.... Government workers... http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-immigration-congress-order-234392

New flying lotus movie sounds pretty silly:

Ex-NBA player Stephen Jackson says he smoked weed before games

Journal of Primatology article on chimp societies finds that they will murder and eat tyrannical leaders or bullies

NSFW - Paraguay Beauty Contest

NSFW - Katya Clover

A ‘rogue’ group of staffers is tweeting secrets from the White House – BGR

Good Daily Show piece - http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2017/01/31/the-daily-show-s-muslim-correspondent-hasan-minhaj-tears-into-trump-s-muslim-ban.html

A Roman Catholic priest in Queens has sparked outrage with a Facebook post suggesting that Trump opponents should commit suicide.

Here's an interesting article, I don't know if it's fake news or if its feasible - https://medium.com/@jakefuentes/the-immigration-ban-is-a-headfake-and-were-falling-for-it-b8910e78f0c5#.p6ezv8ct8

HMMMMM this just reeks of Pats cheating. I don't trust 'em. Probably got the Russian working for 'em, too. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2690250-kyle-shanahan-temporarily-loses-falcons-playbook-at-super-bowl-51-opening-night

Whoops- http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/31/politics/chris-collins-tom-price-reply-all/

In other news...- http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/5-important-stories-worth-your-time-right-now/

It’s ‘The Apprentice, Supreme Court Edition,’ as Trump Summons Finalists to White House

Cruz: Nuclear option on the table if Dems filibuster SCOTUS pick

Sick Goal from Luiz (Chelsea) - https://twitter.com/ReadChelseaFC/status/826527452537159680

Jake Tapper with a remarkable 2-minute fact-check

LOL - NYPD escorting a raccoon out of a beauty salon

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